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Choosing the Right Face Cream

Choosing the Right Face Cream Picking out the perfect face cream can be an extremely confusing thing! There are so many options, varieties, brands, labels, keywords, recommendations, types, guarantees, promises and advertisements that we are bombarded with every single day…

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How to Manicure at Home

How to Manicure at Home Giving yourself a home manicure is a great way of saving money. Manicures are treatments that really require regular, even weekly, updating which adds up to a lot of cost. But most women see it…

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Feed Your Dry Hair

If you have tangled, frizzy, lifeless dry hair, you must look for the right products to feed your hair, and which will ascertain that you cam comb through without breaking it. If you take time to take care of your…

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How to Choose a New Perfume

Enjoying the beautiful fragrance of a perfume can be one of life’s most joyous experiences. If you already have a few favorite aromas, well and good. Most people stick to the fragrances that they already know. But what if you…

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Easy ways to reduce cellulite

Easy Ways to Reduce Cellulite Cellulite is the infliction of most women and the dreaded cottage-cheese look is something most will do anything to avoid or lessen. The lumpy, dimple-infused areas are usually the thighs and buttocks but can actually…

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The Importance of Sun Protection

The Importance of Sun Protection Everyone knows that it is important to protect yourself from the sun, especially with global warming on the rise. However, there is a long way to go before the general population uses sun protection on…