Choosing the Right Face Cream

Choosing the Right Face Cream face creamPicking out the perfect face cream can be an extremely confusing thing! There are so many options, varieties, brands, labels, keywords, recommendations, types, guarantees, promises and advertisements that we are bombarded with every single day so it can be very difficult to decipher which is the best product for your particular needs and skin type. What works for one person may not have any positive effects on another. How to choose the right face cream is largely dependent upon the type of skin you have, what you want from the face cream and how old you are. Of course, it goes without saying that younger skin is very different to older skin and within this variation, skin types differ vastly. Younger Skin Young skin needs relatively little in the way of repair and restorative nutrients. It has suffered relatively little environmental damage and still maintains a high level of natural collagen, elasticity and moisture levels. Problems associated with younger skin usually surround blemishes and flaws as opposed to wrinkles or pigmentation issues. When picking a face cream for young skin it is always best to go for protective products that will target the very early signs of aging and prevent any sun damage or other pollutants from damaging the skin in the future. Oily skin should always go for oil-free products while dry skin needs to be constantly hydrated. A BB cream is a great option for young skin as it combines hydration, coverage, sun protection, nourishment and a dewy complexion without having to resort to heavy foundations or unnecessary supplementary cosmetics. Mature Skin How to choose the right face cream for more mature skin is quite different. Aged skin has extremely different properties than younger skin. It has lost much of its tone, radiance, elasticity and youthful appearance and so restorative and nourishing products are fundamentally important here. How to choose the appropriate product depends on how severely the skin has aged, whether or not it has been very damaged by the sun or even a poor diet. Wrinkles and uneven tone are very common factors of mature skin so choose products that are rich in nutrients, enzymes, collagen, proteins, keratin, vitamins, minerals and other replenishing ingredients. It is also vitally important to pick a cream with an inherent UV protection and a healthy dose of vitamin E which can often be lacking in older skin. There are several brands available that target mature skin and combine a range of specialised ingredients which are designed to target the most common problems of older skin.